Sunday, 29 April 2012

Hello again

Wow.  It feels like an age since I wrote something here.  I guess the Easter holidays ran away with me. Although to be fair, I was only actually away-away for two weeks.  The weeks since have been spent settling back in, working hard, and clearly neglecting this little slice of the interweb...

I have so much to report, so much more to get stuck into, Me-Made-May'12 starting on Tuesday... But for now I just wanted to check back in, let y'all know I'm still alive, and leave you with a little playlist I've had on loop these days... While I catch up on everything everyone else has been blogging about!


  1. Hello lovely, welcome back :

  2. Hello! Couldn't find an email address on your blog, but just wanted to reply to your comment on my post about jersey fabric. If you'd like, I'm happy to pop down to the market and see if there's any aztec print left? I'd be happy to post some to you? Let me know if you're interested...either leave me another comment or email me at sklipikish[at]hotmail[dot]com

  3. Great tunes! I listened all the way through while checking my morning email. All good listening. - From across the big pond.


I love hearing your thoughts, and if you have any questions at all, I will reply to them within these comments - so please be sure to check back to get your answer!

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