
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Me-Made-May'12 - I'm in!!

I'm sure I'm not the only one a little sad now that OWOP is over... These days I have been enjoying wearing the clothes I have made more than ever.  Partly because my skills have improved, but mostly I think, because I am learning better how to make for myself.

When I first began making my own clothes, I would often get a little carried away with an idea, not really stopping to think (and not really having the experience to judge) how certain fabrics might react to certain shapes, and how the finished piece would actually look on me.  Being a self-taught sewist, trial and error has taught me everything I know.  But I feel I have now reached a point where I am consistently making clothes that I love and want to wear all the time.  I no longer feel like a fraud!

So it is with great excitement that I am signing up for Zoe's 6th Me-Made challenge, Me-Made-May'12 (MMM'12), pledging to wear two items of me-made clothing every day for the duration of May 2012.  This will see me upping my pledge by one item of me-made clothing since the last time I participated in Self-Stitched-Sept'11...

Like last year, I will be compiling a new inventory of my me-made wardrobe (but this time Clueless-style!  Watch this space for the wardrobe inventory to end all wardrobe inventories!!), and spending the last week in April filling in any obvious gaps.

One thing that I did find to be hugely challenging last time though, was the daily outfit photographing.  Any tips/ideas on making this less of a hassle??


  1. Good for you! And kudos to you for pledging two items each day - blimey. No tips for the actual photography bit - not sure there is any way around it (other than planning all your outfits for the week and doing one Sunday shoot maybe) but I am going to do weekly round-ups this time instead of daily outfit posts I think! *Really* looking forward to the wardrobe inventory :)

  2. I love the Me-Made challenges! Two items per day might be a little hard for me. One item though would be easy peasy ;)

    I had the same problem last year regarding photo taking. I guess my only idea would be to set up your camera and tripod in one spot in your house and leave it there all month. Then all you have to do is stand in front and snap a photo or two.

  3. So glad you are on board for MMM'12! I'm so excited that you have chosen to up the ante this time round to two garments a day, that's made my day. The wardrobe inventory sounds epic...

    All the best
    Zoe xx

  4. kudos to you for upping the ante! as for the photos, i try to snap pics before i leave the house in the morning but you could always just make not of what you wore and snap pics for 2-3 days of clothes at a time. i have to say, i didn't bother snapping pics if i wore repeats :) good luck and i can't wait to see your inventory!


I love hearing your thoughts, and if you have any questions at all, I will reply to them within these comments - so please be sure to check back to get your answer!