
Monday, 19 December 2011

Not Exactly A Wishlist

In the frenzy preceding Christmas I can't be the only one who's felt caught off guard when asked, "So, what do you want for Christmas?".  What I want???  Having been so consumed with the makings of presents for others (I know- so giving, so festively selfless), I almost forgot that there might even be a parcel or two under the tree for me.  There seem to be endless what-to-give-who lists out there, and I've definitely salivated over some of the wishlists being posted by fellow bloggers, but when it actually comes down to compiling my own list of all the things I could possibly want, my mind goes completely blank.  In fact, right now the main thing I want for Christmas is to ~paniclessly~ finish all the things I have committed myself to making in time, and successfully pull off a Christmas feast for ten.  Well, ok, maybe a little panic will help to push me into the adrenaline sodden state needed to work most efficiently.

So, instead of writing my own letter to Santa, I'm still making a list (checking it twice), of all the projects I can't wait to get stuck into in the New Year, when I'm no longer consumed with present making and Christmas baking.  A wish-to-make list, if you will, of all the productivity to look forward to in the bleakness that is January.

From the top, left to right -

  • Close Cables Sweater, pattern by Pickles.  I made a start on this back in October, and most of the body is done, but has had to be put on the back burner to make space for Christmas stuff.  I can't wait for the cold, aimless January evenings to cosy up by the fire and finish this sweater off.
  • Vogue 8820. Started already, but I hit a standstill when I roll hemmed the drapey scarf piece the wrong way and couldn't face unpicking the whole thing and starting again, especially with so many more important things to be getting on with!  When I get back to this dress, I think I'll just change around the bodice pieces, switching over left and right; it's only really a toile anyway in polyester crepe so doesn't really have a right side/wrong side so I reckon that will be fine.
  • I've been really itching to make a huge hexagonal quilt recently, and have gathered a lovely collection of fabrics to make for a really happy but also serene double bedspread.  The perfect project for Spring, allowing myself plenty of time to find the perfect backing fabric while I gradually piece together the quilt top.
  • The Colette Negroni Shirt.  This will actually be a belated birthday/Christmas present for my Step-Dad as the pattern still hasn't arrived, and I'd never be able to make it in time anyway!  In the meantime he will be receiving a picture of the pattern cover with a swatch of the plaid brushed cotton and pearl snaps I'll be using to make it.
  • For a long while I've been thinking about making a braided rug.  Then I saw a tutorial in SouleMama's book in which she braided strips of jersey from thrifted t-shirts, and have kept meaning to start collecting t-shirts from charity shops ever since...
  • The Wonderful Wallaby knitting pattern from Cottage Creations, to be made for my boy, a project  I've had bookmarked since seeing it featured on the Purlbee. I have the perfect yarn and have finally tracked down a copy of the pattern so as soon as it arrives...
  • When I saw this lace miniskirt on Pinterest, I immediately thought of some beautiful and very similar khaki green lace I've had knocking about in my studio for well over a year. I think I'll use the pencil skirt pattern I've made three times already, just shorten it, and line it with some of the nude silk leftover from my Swing Jacket.
  • Whilst clearing out the little shed at the bottom of my garden the other day, I found a panelled window pane similar to the one in the image.  I'm going to clean it up and find some pictures to frame in the panels, and mount on the (painfully) blank wall in my bedroom.  I had originally thought of finding some decadent Art Nouveau or 40s siren type images bordering on the pornographic, but then I thought how grossed out my son would be as he gets older and notices the saucy pictures in Mama's room... Any ideas?
  • Very excited to make a start on Sewaholic's Minoru Jacket pattern that's been getting such wonderful reviews everywhere I look.  I'm going to look for some black twill for the shell and will hopefully have enough of the plaid brushed cotton for the lining.
  • Once again, I have Pinterest to thank for this genius idea for reusable kitchen roll.  I'm close to running out of the paper stuff and have vowed not to buy anymore!
  • Madly in love am I with this amazing blue floral dress I saw on one of Casey's pinboards.  I'm pretty sure I can recreate it using various skirt and dress patterns I already have, just mixed and matched, but I have yet to find the perfect fabric.
  • And last but not least, thanks to Marie for alerting me to another great new pattern design company - Toronto based Victory Patterns.  I'll be starting with their Hazel Dress.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Dino Crayons

So much going on yet such scarce blog activity.  I blame it on Time, or the lack thereof...  But between pre-Christmas festivities, frantic present making, even more frantic workings on The Project That Shall Remain Unnamed (for now), a new puppy, an infinite pile of logs to split... and of course a child to feed and entertain and a house to pretend to clean... I give you Dino Crayons.

So quick and easy: preheat oven to 200 degrees -- gather all those broken bits of wax crayons lying around (or buy a bunch and break them up) -- place broken bits into a silicone mould tray of your choice -- bake until the wax melts, about 10 mins -- leave to cool and set thoroughly before popping out your crayon shapes.

These dinos will be setting up camp in my son's Christmas Stocking, and if I didn't have more than enough to be getting on with, I might think about making up a few more batches to play around with shapes and creating marbled effects by mixing colours...maybe even adding glitter...

Sunday, 11 December 2011

My Kind Of Feminism

This week I will mostly be: cake-bakin' & wood-choppin'...

...that's right, with an axe.

Christmas Spice Cupcakes for this season's festivities, and freshly split Maple logs to be dried out ready for next Winter.

Friday, 9 December 2011

A -Slightly Psychedelic- Pompom Wreath

For some reason, traditional Christmas Wreaths have always felt a little morbid and ominous to me.  Dark, spiky and somewhat reminiscent of funerals.  Beautiful, but depressing.  But then I saw this Pompom Wreath, and this tutorial from JCasa*Handmade, and I knew what I had to do.

For the wreath's structure I used some foam tubing from the hardware store and a coat hanger to create the shape -

Then made a bunch of pompoms in my favourite reds-dusty pinks-off whites colour scheme and tied them securely onto the foam tubing.  To finish I wound around some woodland mushroom fairy lights I had (which I think look a little too acid-y when switched on, but perfectly cute -and innocent- left off) and attached a grosgrain ribbon loop so it can be hung. 

But no way is this wreath getting hung outside... I've become very fond of its sweet, not at all morbid or ominous, and very soft self.  I couldn't possibly risk it getting rained on or stolen, and most of all I want it inside where I can appreciate it.