
Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Those of you who know me, will have noticed a little penchant I've developed over the last year or so for making fruit infused vodka.  So far I've dabbled in blueberry, blackberry, raspberryfragola grape and tonight, lemon.  Being half-Italian I figured it would be outrageous for me not to give this traditional Italian digestivo a go, even if I do prefer the sweeter end of the liquor spectrum... Maybe I'll just up the sugar a smidge.


the rind of 5 lemons, none of the white pith though
1 litre of vodka, or 98% proof alcohol is better (hic) if you can find it
1kg sugar
750ml water

Place the lemon rinds (and a little bit of the juice) in a sterilised sealable container and pour over the vodka.
Seal and keep for a week in a darkish, dry place, giving it a shake every day.


Bring the water to the boil and add the sugar, stirring until it has dissolved.
pour in the vodka and rinds, stir, and return to the container (or a bigger one if need be).
Keep it infusing for at least another week, shaking every now and then - I'll be leaving mine until Christmas - then strain into a bottle and serve chilled.

And if anyone was wondering about that Raspberry Vodka I made back in June, I'm afraid it's getting drunk faster than I can photograph it/write about it.  But it was very good.

what's left of my blueberry vodka (left) and raspberry vodka (right)

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